What Are Dental Cysts?

A dental cyst is a closed sac of tissue filled with air, fluid, or soft material. Unlike dental abscesses, which are infections, cysts typically develop in the mouth’s soft tissues, such as the gums, lips, or near the roots of teeth. They usually grow slowly over time, often without causing symptoms at first. However, once they become infected, they can cause pain and other complications.

Types of Dental Cysts

There are several types of dental cysts, with the three most common being dentigerous, periapical, and mucocele cysts:

  • • Dentigerous Cysts: These typically form near or on top of the crown of an unerupted wisdom tooth.
  • • Periapical (Radicular) Cysts: These cysts develop around a tooth’s root, usually due to an infection or the death of the tooth’s nerve. If untreated, they can develop into abscesses.
  • • Mucocele Cysts: These occur on the inner cheek, lip, or tongue, typically due to trauma or irritation. While they are usually painless and temporary, periapical and dentigerous cysts require treatment.

How Dr. McKissock and Dr. Kersten Can Help

Maintaining diligent brushing and flossing habits and visiting your dentist regularly is key to reducing the likelihood of developing dental cysts. If a cyst develops and becomes infected, seeking treatment promptly is important. Dr. McKissock and Dr. Kersten can help diagnose and treat cysts to prevent further complications.

If you think you may have a dental cyst or need a consultation, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Call (719) 488-2188 or email us to schedule an appointment.